Full-service solutions for global radioactive material transport
If your business calls for transporting radioactive materials, you know what a complex challenge it can be: to do it right, you need help from a partner with the specialized expertise, real-world experience, and resources and relationships needed to do the job safely, efficiently, and in compliance with a tangle of state, local, and international laws and regulations.
You have found that partner in TAM International.
UxC Interview with Kurtis Hinz
UxC just released an extensive interview with TAM International's CEO, Kurtis Hinz. Kurtis goes into depth discussing the issues related to nuclear transport. Thank you to UxC for taking the time to sit down with Kurtis to discuss these important matters. You can have...
TAM is “Stepping Up for Mental Health”
The TAM Saskatoon office had a great time, once again, participating in Cameco's "Step Up for Mental Health Walk" this weekend. We joined hundreds of people on a beautiful day supporting a great cause.
Nuclear front-end logistics
Let TAM move nuclear fuel from your mine to conversion, enrichment, and fuel fabrication facilities worldwide.
Nuclear back-End logistics
Need to categorize, package, handle or transport low- or intermediate-level waste? TAM can do that.
NORM and Rare Earth mineral logistics
TAM delivers safe, compliant, efficient, and cost-effective NORM and Rare Earth mineral transportation solutions. See what TAM can do for you.